
Top 20 Things to Do This Spring With Your Family

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spring activities for kids

Finally! The days are longer, the sun's rays are warmer, and animals and humans alike come out of their hibernation. Both the cities and the countryside, frozen for many months, awaken once again.

Spring has (finally) arrived!

To encourage you to get outside, here are our top 10 activities to do in spring with your family.

1 - Take Advantage of Sugar Time

Sugar shack spring activity

For many regions, spring is synonymous with the opening of sugar shacks. This is a must-do spring activity for the whole family!

There’s no doubt that your children will enjoy a good dose of pancakes 

eggs, sausages, and delicious baked beans - all bathed in a large quantity of maple syrup, of course!

And let's not forget the maple taffy tasting session that is always a pleasure!

2 - Go Hiking

Hike with family

With the cold temperatures dissipating and the snow melting, it is the perfect time to rediscover one of the many nature trails near you. And the good news is: there are TONS of them in Canada!

You will surely find an itinerary adapted to the age of your children.

Be careful: remember to bring the right outdoor clothing for your children. Because the weather tends to fluctuate in the spring, we recommend that you bring rain gear (or at least clothes that can get dirty if the ground is a bit muddy).

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3 - Enjoy the Last Ski Runs

Spring ski runs

What could be better than skiing without freezing your nose off? In the spring, the ski slopes are often less crowded and allow you to make thrilling descents while being warmed by the sun. What more could you ask for?

Depending on the weather, many resorts may be able to stay open until April. This is one last great opportunity for your kids to enjoy their ski clothes before they are tucked away for a few months.

4 - Have a Garage Sale

Garage sale family activity

With your kids, organize a small garage sale in front of your home and offer them a portion (or all) of the profits.

This spring activity is great for 2 reasons:

  1. It engages them in a project that isn't related to a screen;

  2. It's a sneaky way to get them involved in spring cleaning. "If you want to sell your toys, you have to clean your room first and put away the ones you don't want anymore."

A perfect technique to combine business with pleasure!

5 - Building a Birdhouse

Build a birdhouse

With the return of spring comes the return of the birds and their beautiful songs.

Why not build a birdhouse with the little ones or buy a prefabricated one? Simply add some seeds and just wait for them to show up.

Who knows, maybe you'll create some real birders in the making.

6 - Start a Family Garden

Outdoor activity family garden

Gardening is not only a great way for your children to contribute to the family's food supply, but also to learn more about plants.

Get the older kids to help plant seeds or pull weeds, and give the younger ones a watering can to help water the garden or lawn.

7 - Go for a Bike Ride

Spring family bike ride

Now that winter is over, it’s time to get the bikes out of the basement and start riding! 

If your kids are not too small and you are not too bad with tools yourself, start by maintaining your bikes. If not you’re not that good with chain oil and brake adjustments, consider dropping them off at the bike shop a few days before going for a ride.

Next, have a group discussion about a route to take. 

Why not follow the bike path with your family to the next village or even discover a new neighbourhood?

Do your kids have their own bikes, but no gym clothes? You'll find what you need in our Active Girls and Active Boys collections.

8 - Have a Spring Picnic

Spring picnic fun activity for kids

Spring, with its blooming plants and buzzing insects, has everything to offer an idyllic setting.

A great springtime activity to do with the family is to head out with a basket of goodies and eat a meal in the great outdoors.

Remember to bring a few chairs or some thick blankets to avoid getting your butt wet if the snow melt is still in progress.

9 - Enjoy the First Ice Cream of the Year

Ice cream with children

In the spring, the temperature can sometimes rise quickly. If it suddenly gets so warm that you can go outside without a coat, it’s the perfect time to enjoy a tasty ice cream treat.

Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, pistachio, or bubble gum...... All of these choices are sure to make you appreciate the warm season ahead.

10 - Visit the Park

Activities for spring park

In the spring, parks also begin to bustle with activity. Joggers, cyclists, and walkers are present in large numbers. Plants and trees are beginning to bloom, adding vibrant colour back to nature. 

A walk or a sports session in the park will certainly please your children. For the little ones, a sandbox or a slide will not fail to bring them a little dose of happiness.

This is also a great way for them to exercise and enjoy the nice weather.

11- Playing in the Rain

Spring clothes for playing in the rain

For the little ones, something as simple as playing in the rain or jumping in a puddle can be a lot of fun.

Equipped with the right spring clothes, enjoy the wet weather! It costs nothing and the laughter is guaranteed!

12 - Launch Yourself Into the Void on a Zip Line!

Zip line spring activity

Ziplining is a fun (or very intense, depending on your tolerance to heights) way to see some beautiful scenery. This simple springtime activity is sure to be enjoyed by the whole family. 

If you are from the Montreal area, you have several options: Ziptreck in Mont-Tremblant, Tyroparc in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, and Arbraska at Laflèche Park in Val-des-Monts (to name a few).

For those in the Quebec City area, the zipline at Chute-Montmorency park is an excellent option.

13 - Take on a Miniature Golf Course

Mini-golf activity children

Springtime means the return of golf and miniature golf.

A miniature golf session is an original idea that will not only get the kids moving, but will also make them laugh.

Be careful not to lose your ball in the toilet bowl!

14 - Become a Dog Walker

Dog walker with children

With the warm weather, the desire for adventure returns for many people. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time to take their beloved pet with them.

If you want to teach your children new responsibilities, why not become a dog walker? Apps like Pawshake connect dog walkers/guardians with people who need this type of service.

This is a great way to enjoy the spring weather while doing pet therapy and getting paid.

15 - Camping in the Yard

Yard camping fun activity

With the return of the warm weather, the more adventurous among us can rediscover their love of sleeping in the great outdoors.

If you're a camping enthusiast yourself, a great springtime activity is to introduce your kids to the joy of sleeping in a tent. You don't even have to leave the yard to do this (if you have one, that is)! 

And if your kids are already used to camping, even better. Just take them on a "real" camping trip to a nature park.

16 - Launch a Great Chalk Contest

Chalk contest

As the snow melts, the asphalt once again becomes a predominant canvas in urban areas.

Why not take advantage of this to launch a great chalk drawing contest with the kids?

It's a simple way to get them out of the house and let them flex their creative muscles. 

17 - Go Shopping

Shopping with family

Are you the type of person who likes to stroll downtown and do a little window shopping? With no obligation to spend money, you can visit your favorite stores (and those of your children).

It's a great excuse to enjoy the atmosphere of the city after a long, quiet winter.

18 - A Georally, in Town or in Nature

Family activity geocaching

Equipped with a phone and a Geocaching application, you can go on a real large-scale treasure hunt with the whole family.

And if you prefer a treasure hunt organized by professionals, the Vallée Secrète and the Îlot des Palais could be for you!

This is a great activity to (re)discover areas near you!.

19 - Hunt Bugs

Bug hunting with kids

With the arrival of spring comes the awakening of insects that fly, buzz, and/or forage in all directions.

What insects are hiding in the trees, inside pretty flowers, on the still water of the ponds, or under stones?

Give your children a net and a small insect identification guide and let them explore these little creatures!

20 - Read a Book in the Park

Children book in the park

On beautiful spring days, what could be better than sitting in the shade of a tree and enjoying a relaxing moment with a book in hand?

Take advantage of warmer days to take your children to the park and encourage them to escape into the wonderful world of reading. Magic, dragons, and witches will be the order of the day!

And for the more active kids, have a ball or frisbee on hand for a second activity when they get tired of reading.


That's it! Hopefully, you're feeling a little more inspired and now have lots of ideas for spring activities to do with your family.

If your kids need outerwear for all the activities you have planned, check out our girls' outerwear and boys' outerwear.

The Spring Breeze 2023 Collection

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