Tips for Calming a Fussy Newborn
Guillaume Dls

Has your baby been crying a lot lately? As you probably already know, calming a fussy baby is not always easy.
A method that works for one baby may not work for another, and the same method doesn't always work twice on the same baby! The solutions for calming an agitated baby may differ from day to day. However, with a little patience, one can usually come up with a satisfactory solution to the problem.
To help you, here are a few tips for calming your little one when they become agitated.
10 Tips for Calming a Baby
Does your baby tend to be restless? Here are some techniques you can try to calm him/her down:
Talk to your baby in a soft, soothing voice while rocking him or her, or sing a lullaby. If your voice doesn't do the trick, play soft music.
Give your baby a breast or bottle. If he's restless, it may be because he's hungry.
Give your baby a bath. The temperature and feel of the water can be soothing.
Check to see if his diaper needs changing. A full diaper is uncomfortable for a baby and can cause a baby to become fussy.
Is your baby in a stroller? Rock your baby gently or just walk around. This is a classic; movement (not too rough) often works well to calm a restless baby.
Massage the baby gently. This can help loosen its muscles and relax him/her.
Are you at home? Avoid moving him/her non-stop around different rooms. Babies like to have a safe, familiar place where they feel secure. If you move them around too much, it can cause more fuss.
Swaddle your baby with a cotton blanket or put comfortable baby clothes on him or her. This will not only keep your baby warm, but will also make him/her feel safe and may help calm him/her down.
Let your baby enjoy the sun. A little sunbathing can make him/her feel warm and safe, and fall asleep calmly.
Respect his/her cycle. Like adults, babies need to sleep and rest. Also like adults, each baby has his own rhythm. Learn to recognize the signals he or she is sending you. Even though babies can't talk yet, they can communicate in many ways. Whether it's with gestures, sounds, or facial expressions, they're always talking to their parents, so with practice, you'll become a real pro at interpreting your baby's ‘language’.
Should You Let a Baby Cry?
The simple (and unfortunately somewhat lame) answer is that it depends.
If your baby needs to release energy, it's not a bad thing to let it cry. Remember that babies, like adults, sometimes need to vent too.
From time to time, your baby may want to cry just because it’s in a bad mood, tired, or trying to get rid of the day's emotions.
But if the crying doesn't stop and you've tried every relaxation technique you can think of, the problem may be somewhere else. A viral infection, fever, gastroesophageal reflux, or a host of other factors may be the cause of the fuss.
If your child's discomfort persists over time, despite your best efforts to calm him or her, it's best to seek help. Your family doctor or pediatrician will be able to give you a more informed opinion on the situation.
There are many ways to calm a restless baby. Sometimes you need to try different methods before you find the one(s) that work best for your baby. Remember, babies are very individual and don't yet know the best ways to make themselves understood.
So don't be afraid to be a little patient and try out different things. With time and a good dose of love, you'll be able to calm your fussy baby in most cases.
And remember, if you have any doubts about your baby's health, professional advice is always more valuable than what you read on the web.