
Children’s Activities: 10 Great Ideas to Get Moving

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Children activities

Children are full of energy! At their age, exercise is essential to their growth as well as to their cognitive and personal development. 

As a parent, you know this, and you're always looking for ideas to encourage your little ones to get moving. If you're short of inspiration, here are 10 great ideas for activities for kids that combine fun and physical activity. 

Indoor activities for children

Kid indoor activity idea

On rainy or snowy days, it's not always easy or even possible to venture outside. So, on days when the weather isn't kind, we turn to indoor activities for kids! 

Splash around at the water park 

Who says you can't splash around indoors? All year round, you can have fun in the water at a water park (think Bora Parc). On the program: water games, slides, and swimming races. Your little ones will love it! 

Bouncing on trampolines 

Bouncing high in the air is perhaps one of the best sensations there is... An indoor activity combining physical exercise and pure pleasure, trampolining is an original option for getting your little ones moving while having fun. Visit your nearest trampoline park for hours of fun. 

Developing your mini-golf skills

On a cold day, why not opt for a session of mini-golf with your tribe? This indoor activity gives your little ones a gentle workout while working on their skills and precision. It's the perfect way to get moving without getting too tired. 

Climb high at the climbing center 

Are your children thrill-seekers? Opt for a safe climbing session at a climbing center. This child-friendly indoor activity not only builds muscle strength, agility, and coordination but also self-confidence

Performing tricks at the skatepark 

For budding extreme athletes, a trip to the indoor skatepark is the ultimate family activity. Once you've donned your protective gear and helmet, you're off for an afternoon of sliding down ramps and modules. All in a friendly atmosphere! 

Free outdoor family activities

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When the weather's nice, it's time to get into your sports gear and venture outdoors! Here are 5 ideas for free outdoor activities to enjoy with your children. 

Enjoy the scenery on a hike

Take your children on a hiking adventure. It's a great way to get some exercise but also to fill up on fresh air and beautiful landscapes along the way. It's an ideal outdoor activity to teach your children about nature and its many wonders. 

Here's a little advice: Pack snacks and plenty of water, and choose an itinerary that's accessible to your cubs. And don't forget to equip your children with good outdoor clothing, especially in spring when the weather still tends to vary.

Play your favorite outdoor game 

On sunny days, take your children to the nearest park and play your favorite outdoor games. Hide-and-seek, tag, obstacle course, or ultimate frisbee... The options are almost endless for encouraging your kids to get some exercise. The result is great family fun! 

Explore nature by bike 

Are your children comfortable on a bike? Then, get on your bikes and set off on the nearby nature trails. It's a great way to put all that boundless energy to good use, setting off on an adventure and discovering the natural spaces that surround us!

Building a treehouse 

Do your toddlers have the soul of an architect? Suggest they build a treehouse. Use whatever materials are at hand, such as branches, pieces of fabric, or wooden planks to bring their dream cabin to life. 


Looking after the garden is a great way to mobilize your children's energies. Sowing seeds, tending plants and trees, trimming hedges... all ways to strengthen your little ones' bond with the natural world around them. But they also teach them to take care of all living beings. 


With these ten ideas for children's activities, your little ones will be able to keep active and have fun at the same time. And for more inspiration, check out our article on winter sports activities for kids